I’ve always wanted to write a blog. I had so many ideas in my head, but I never put them into action. I was either too busy, lazy, or anxious about all the problems and criticism I would face. But I took the leap of faith, quit my architecture career, and moved to Canada to start anew, whatever my new path will lead me to. So what the heck, I already went this far, I have no excuses to not begin now. So here it is, a decade or so late, my foray into blogging.

Kathleen Wonders is the name I put on it because I find myself wondering and musing about stuff all the time –like how bowling is somehow like living or whether sleeping with socks is good or bad. This blog is where I’ll put all those thoughts, experiences, prose, poetry, and all of the answers to those random questions in.

So dig in and see what you can find. Hopefully, in one way or another, my words can bring you comfort, inspiration, entertainment, or just the plain satisfaction of getting that itch on the brain scratched.