Wanted to give a small cry
For all I have to bid goodbye
And all the things I’ve left undone
Slowly fading in the setting sun

As I sit inside this quiet house
All the passions I’ve had to douse
Rot inside this empty shell
A melancholy, last farewell

Pieces of cloth meant to be a dress
Paint and pastels left to rest
Words that were never said
Books unwritten, never read

Thoughts remain as thoughts to die
Wings tied down; never to fly
Hands that never took action
Ideas forgotten with the dawn

So I say to those who read today
Take flight and make your own way
Go on and take the leap of faith
No matter what others may say

For all conceived in the warehouse of your mind
Only gain life through your design
Make it concrete with your own hands
All your dreams and all your plans

Unless you want to regret
That you did not act on what you felt
And be like me someday
Too old and weary, far too late.

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