We all need some inspiration in our lives. Especially when we’re feeling down, tired, or just plain lazy, an extra push could be all we need to get moving. If you’ve been needing a jolt to kick-start your passion to work hard, take chances, and overcome your fears, this post is for you. Watch these inspiring videos to take action on your goals this year!

Most of these videos are from commencement speeches—and whether you’re just about to graduate or if that was years ago, they still have the same effect. I’m sure that cocktail of uncertainty, excitement, and fear that we felt back in our graduation ceremony still visits us whenever we think of a big and seemingly impossible dream. But don’t let that stall you. Listen to these uplifting words and get up and at it!

Image of girl looking at a laptop with text on top saying: "Inspiring Videos To Take Action On Your Goals This Year" against a peach background

When you’re afraid to leave your comfort zone

This video, edited from Jim Carrey’s commencement speech at the Maharishi University, was the one that spurred me to take action. I was always one who played it safe, even when it meant giving up opportunities and biting off way less than I could chew. Watching this video spurred me to leave my career of a decade and explore uncharted waters!

One of the things that really hit home for me was the story about his father, who wanted to be a comedian but believing it to be impossible for him, chose to become an accountant instead. In the end, he was still let go from that job, and his family had to struggle to make ends meet. This probably led him to impart to his son this important lesson, “You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.”

quote from Jim Carrey saying "You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love."

How many of us are stuck at jobs or careers that we hate but just stick it through because we’re afraid to fail? As Jim Carrey said, “so many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality”. And in the end, even if we aren’t let go, would it be a life lived fully?

I return to this video every time I want to remind myself why I made that decision. And every time, it shakes me. Try taking just about 2 minutes from your day to watch this inspiring video to take action on your goals this year.

Related: Time is Ticking: Pursue Your Dreams Now

When you’re down and faced with challenges

Many times in life, we struggle. We feel down, unmotivated, or even depressed. We want to stop going because it seems too difficult. Things just don’t seem to go our way and we’re faced with impossible tasks.

In these challenging times in our lives, Michelle Obama asks us in this 2013 commencement speech who we are going to be. “These are the moments that define us — not the day you get the promotion, not the day you win teacher of the year, but the times that force you to claw and scratch and fight just to get through the day; the moments when you get knocked down and you’re wondering whether it’s even worth it to get back up.  Those are the times when you’ve got to ask yourself, who am I going to be?”


This reminded me that reaching your dreams or goals don’t happen in an instant for most of us. The successful people we admire are who they are today because of the struggles they went through and surpassed.

So the next time you’re feeling down, remember that thought and ask yourself: “who am I gonna be?”

When you’re feeling lazy

I’m sure I’m not the only one who sometimes procrastinates and finds it hard to get up and at it. Apparently, we’ve been training ourselves that way. Our phones and the constant distractions it brings are part of the culprit. But the good news is that we can retrain our brain! Watch this inspiring video to take action on your goals and stop being lazy.

Another great takeaway from this is that we think that happiness, creativity, energy, love—basically all the things we want to have—aren’t things that we get. They are things we do! So we don’t wait around for these to come. We become and do these things. The key is in action.

The main lesson I gathered from Jim Kwik, the speaker, is that it is in our hands. We are what we do. If we are constantly lazy, keep everything in our heads without applying them, or put no effort into improving ourselves, then that’s who we’ll remain to be. The opposite applies.

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When you’re scared of failure

Whenever you think of your big dreams and plans, can you say you’re 100% confident? I’m sure many of us will say no. For some, the fear of failing is even what is holding them back from doing anything. The risk of failure is paralyzing for some. And I can totally relate, because I was paralyzed by this same fear, and still am, sometimes.

If you feel this way, try watching this commencement speech from Denzel Washington. This video is a little longer than the others, but it’s definitely an inspiring video to take action on your goals!

When I was choosing what career to follow, the adults in my life all said to have something to fall back on. Denzel mentions this but says he never understood the concept. “Fall forward. Every failed experiment is one step closer to success.”

And then he tells us that failure is inevitable at some point in our lives. But then, he says, “If you don’t fail… you’re not even trying.” To drive that thought further he shares something he heard from his wife, which is a quote by Thomas Jefferson: “To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.”

Quote from Thomas Jefferson saying: “If you want something you've never had
You must be willing to do something you've never done.”

Don’t be afraid to dream big and pursue it, even if you keep failing at first. If it is something you truly want, it doesn’t matter, you will keep at it. Otherwise, think of the regrets that will haunt you when you realize it’s too late to act on anything. I think that is something even scarier.

Related: Following Dreams: Lessons from Whisper of the Heart

When you just want to quit

Life is a constant battle and struggle. Some days will be easy, but a lot will be difficult. Many times we will feel like quitting. When those times come and you’ve done all you can to fight the feeling but are still overwhelmed, try watching the 3-minute video below.

I was struck by one of the things the first speaker, Inky Johnson, said. He asked what do people think when they look at you. Do they think victory, or excuses? Or do they think that you’re a person who will give their best shot everyday, even when they don’t feel like it? Think about that when you feel like quitting or making excuses.

Use that inspiration and take action!

I hope at least one of these inspiring videos compelled you to take action on your goals this year! Use that inspiration as fuel for you to pursue your dreams. Try not to lose the momentum!

Nevertheless, keep in mind that some goals need time and consistent effort for you to reach them. Don’t let that get you down however, and remember to recharge by finding ways to relax. If you feel like the fire is burning out, rekindle that passion by watching these inspiring videos again!

Image of girl looking at a laptop with text on top saying: "Inspiring Videos To Take Action On Your Goals This Year" against a purple background
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