We all have bad hair days every now and then. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a toggle switch to lift our dreary spirits back up in a snap? Although we don’t have that magic button, there are some foolproof ways to feel better in a jiff. Below are 5 simple mood boosters that work instantly.

Photo of woman smiling and holding a flower with text "5 Simple Mood Boosters That Work Instantly"

1. Breathe to lift your mood now

The balm to those frayed nerves is not anything special or exhaustive, you just need to breathe! I mentioned this in part 1 of my Relax series, Relax Your Body. I’m not talking about just normal, autopilot breathing. For this to work, you have to do it mindfully.

Stop whatever you’re doing (or worrying about, for that matter). Take a moment to just focus on your breath. Slow it down, deepen it. Use this 4-7-8 breathing technique by Dr. Andrew Weil:

  • Exhale completely through the mouth.
  • Breathe in through the nose for 4 counts.
  • Hold your breath for 7 counts.
  • Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of 8.

This is a simple mood booster that works instantly. Plus, deep breathing has many known benefits, some of which include decreased stress, reduced anxiety, and reduced hypertension. So do this whenever you can!

Here’s a free wallpaper that you can use as a reminder to breathe throughout the day.

Breathe simple mood-booster wallpaper

Get your free wallpaper and access to more freebies here:

2. Take a walk: a simple mood booster

If you have a bit of time, then head out of the house for a bit and take a walk outside for an instant mood lift. Sometimes all it takes is a new environment and some fresh air to make you feel better and take you out of your head.

It’s great if you can be out in nature too. Try to take a detour to a park and just listen to the normal sounds of life (whether that’s birds chirping or dogs barking) and just bask in the moment. Taking a walk can be very therapeutic and is good for your body as well. Some studies have shown that walking can increase the production of stress-busting endorphins, calm your brain, and reduce fatigue. So lift your mood now and take a walk outside!

3. Smile for an instant mood lift

Even when you don’t really feel like it, try to turn that frown upside down! Faking it till you make it doesn’t only apply to careers, it also works for smiling. Even when you’re just forcing it, smiling can trick your brain into believing you’re happyβ€”reducing your stress and lowering your heart rate.

When you smile, your brain sees that as a signal that you’re happy (no matter the reason) and releases certain hormones including dopamine and serotonin. These hormones increase happiness and reduce stress.

For some reason, smiling also indirectly leads to happier thoughts. They make you think of things that make you feel good and positive. So if you’re looking for a simple mood booster that works instantly, look no further than your smile!

quote about a smile being an instant mood booster

4. Listen to music to lift your mood now

One of the simple mood boosters that works instantly is listening to music. I’ve been harping about this throughout my posts, curating lots of playlist options for different activities. That’s because music truly has some amazing benefits, proven by numerous studies throughout the years.

All it takes is the touch of a play button and you drift off elsewhere, feel your body want to dance, or burst irresistibly into song. There are a million songs out there, so if a certain one doesn’t give you an instant mood lift, all you need is to press next to find the one that does.

Here are some relaxing, no-lyric songs that can lift your mood now.

5. Laugh to lift your mood now

In the same way that smiling is a simple mood booster that works instantly, laughing is also a sure-fire method of lifting your spirits. When you laugh, your organs are stimulated, you increase your oxygen intake, and your brain releases endorphins. It also soothes tension and leaves you more relaxed than you were.

You might not know what goes on in your body when you laugh, but I’m sure you’ve felt it. Laughing leaves us feeling better, which leads to the saying: “laughter is the best medicine.” Thankfully, there’s no end to the memes and funny videos online. So pick your favorite comedian or head on to your favorite meme site and let the laugh session begin.

cartoon rabbit and chick laughing to lift their mood
Sometimes all you need is a good laugh to melt the stress away. GIF by Molang.

Need a list of videos to start? See the list below for some videos that always crack me up.

Simple mood boosters that work instantly

We always have bad days every now and then. But when you’re in one, try not to let the negativity overwhelm you. Do any of the simple mood boosters above to lift your spirits up. Remember that the key to feeling better is sometimes as simple as smiling or breathing deep!

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Photo of woman smiling and holding a flower with text "5 Simple Mood Boosters That Work Instantly"
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If you liked this, here are more ways to boost your mood:
6 Mind Vacations You Can Take Right Now
8 Easy Yoga Poses That Feel Like A Massage
Relax Your Mind: Relax Series Part 2