It’s been over a month of staying at home for most of us. We’ve already established new routines, creating a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos. Just before settling in however, try to think how you can improve your new normal. Do you want to use this time to recenter yourself or spend more “me” time? Here are 6 habits to develop during quarantine, the end result of which is becoming a better version of you.

Better hygiene

If you haven’t been stepping up your hygiene game or properly washing your hands at the very least, please do. This isn’t just to avoid COVID-19. It’s for your overall health. Hand washing can prevent the spread of disease. Disinfecting your phone daily along with other good cleaning practices can also avoid the transfer of germs and viruses from surface to surface. If you’ve made this into a habit, you’ll be at less risk of contracting disease from germs even after this pandemic blows over.

girl brushing teeth
Keeping it clean. GIF from irannis.

Want to ensure you’re not missing anything? Here are 5 hygiene hacks to help you keep disease-causing baddies at bay.

A habit of self-care

Now that we’ve got a little bit of extra time on your hands, spend it on you. Find a time in the day to mute the noise of deadlines, chores, and other worldly matters. Focus on you and what relaxes you. Here are some examples:

  • drink tea in your garden or balcony while listening to the birds around you
  • curl up on your couch with a good book to take you somewhere new
  • turn on some feel-good music, meditate, and let the thoughts pass through
  • take a warm shower, wear your most comfy PJs, and don a face mask before going to bed
  • Read more ways to relax your body here.
sipping tea while reading a book - a self-care habit to develop during quarantine
Ahh, so relaxing. GIF from slothilda.

Whatever it is you do, make sure it’s what refreshes you and let’s you take a break from the day’s hard work. Doing this regularly de-stresses you and allows you to feel and function better in general.

Read more ways to relax here.

Set aside time for introspection

Introspection is the examination of one’s own conscious thoughts and feelings. For me, it is about looking inward and understanding yourself better. It is sort of tied in with self-care, except this time, we actually communicate with our deepest selves to ask meaningful questions. Here are some tips on introspection:

  • Start with a quiet environment away from distractions.
  • Write down your thoughts in a journal or type it on your phone. This allows you to look back on your day or examine your actions and feelings towards something.
  • Remember to avoid judging yourself. Simply ask why you acted a certain way you did in the past and what you can do to improve.
  • There’s a right way to do this.
Daily introspection journal kathleen wonders
Grab this free Daily Introspection journal and more when you subscribe.

Get your free journal templates and more here:

Here are some benefits of introspection, one of which is increased self-confidence. If you’re feeling restless or dissatisfied with where you’re currently at, here’s an article that could put things into better perspective with the help of introspection.

Improve your fitness and health

Now that we don’t have many reasons to get off our butts, we are in danger of turning into the lazy future humans in Wall-E. Don’t let that happen. Instead, get moving regularly to stay fit. There are hundreds of free videos online, no equipment needed. So if you have a stable internet connection and no preexisting conditions, you have no excuse. Read some tips for beginners here.

Girl doing yoga in quarantine
Make exercise a habit. GIF from AnchorPoint.

Of course, exercising without eating healthy negates the benefits. Treat yourself better by ensuring you eat clean with a balanced diet. I won’t stop you from the occasional (note: occasional, not daily) bag of chips or cookies but ensure you eat fruits and veggies more than this.

Increase your knowledge

With the pandemic forcing people to stay in their homes, many are now offering free classes and workshops online. If you’ve always wanted to learn something new or improve your current skills, search for courses or classes to take. You could dedicate 30 minutes to an hour of this per day. Continuous learning helps us stay on top of our game, feel better about ourselves, or even land us pay raises or more fulfilling jobs. Don’t skip this and make it a habit during quarantine.

girl balancing books always be learning habits to develop in quarantine
Learning is fun if you like what you’re learning about. GIF from buffer.

Quality time with loved ones

You might be lucky enough to spend the lockdown with your family or close friends. Take the opportunity to bond with them, whether through conversations over meals or board games. Even if you’re not physically with them, you can do this thanks to technology. Call your parents, grandparents, and friends and reconnect. It’s wonderful to hear their voices, laugh with them, and remember special moments. Doing this regularly can deepen and strengthen your relationships, which is incentive enough for you to continue even after the pandemic is over.

Plankton and computer lounging on day beds
Quality time. GIF from spongebob.

Even with all the bad news, tension, and anxiety around us, we have to try to see past that and do what we can with the situation. Developing these 6 habits allows us to turn quarantine into something that can make us better people so when it is finally over, we can resume our lives healthier, smarter, and happier. Stay safe and be well!

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