You are my fire
Slowly kindled, slowly stirred
But sure and certain

Like the calm waters that smoothen the rough rock,
Patiently, steadily, you envelope me in your embrace
Until my wounds are nothing more than scars

Like the tide that ceaselessly comes to kiss the shore
You hold me and reassure me
Until my doubts are nothing more than passing thoughts

Like the sun that rises daily to brighten the night,
You make me smile despite the fear
Until I am convinced that love is not a fairy tale, but real and in me

When life is a blur and everyone else rushes
You stop and lie beside me until time stops
You woo me gently, lovingly, constantly…
Reminding me that it was not the hare, but the turtle who won the race.

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silhouette of couple about to kiss with a heart in between and the text "Slow and Steady" on top
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