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Relax Your Heart: Relax Series Part 3

Anger, despair, hopelessness, fear—we’re all prone to feeling one or the other, or a mix of all nowadays. Things are being shaken up on a global scale and we are all affected, directly or indirectly. In these times, how do you relax your heart?

I cannot stress how important self-care is. Relaxing doesn’t mean choosing to do nothing, but rather, grounding yourself to be able to make decisions not from terror or stress, but from clarity. There are many ways to calm down, especially when you’ve been suffering from these symptoms.

Below are ways to relax your heart and release yourself from worries that you have no control over. Try them out whenever you feel overemotional and need to wind down. If you need to de-stress physically, mentally, or spiritually, read my other articles on relaxing your mind, your body, and your soul.

Physical touch

A simple hug or pat on the back can do wonders for your heart. If your love language is physical touch, you will feel the effects all the more. There’s just something in the warmth and sincerity of human touch that can lift your mood. It conveys support, acceptance, love, and friendship.

According to this site, cuddling has several health benefits, including relieving pain and helping you sleep. Hugs can also have the same effect. Some studies even show that hugs help protect you from getting infected (of course, making sure that the one you hug isn’t sick). It’s amazing what a simple act can do.

Hugs can do so much. GIF from giphy.


One way to let your emotions out is to communicate with your loved ones. Talk to someone you trust and let them know what’s troubling you. If you can’t do this in person, call a close friend or family member. Someone listening to you can be enough to alleviate the stress you feel.

Letting that anger or sadness out is better than bottling all those emotions up until they explode. I always do this with my partner and feel much calmer after. Sometimes, people give their objective opinion or helpful advice on your emotions which lets you relax your heart even more.

If you know someone who has been or is in the same situation as you, try talking to them too. According to this study, interacting with someone who is “emotionally similar” can help you reduce stress.

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Gratitude to relax your heart

When we focus on the negative things, we are more prone to feelings of distress and crisis. But when we look on the positives, we can balance those heavy emotions out. There’s a reason why the famous adage “look at the bright side” still endures up to now. Because no matter how grim the situation, there will always be something to be thankful for.

If we focus on gratitude and enumerate the things we have and are bringing us joy and value, we realize that things aren’t as bad as they seem. Being able to write, eat 3 meals a day, or take a walk are all simple pleasures that we take for granted. But if we look around us, we see that not everyone can do or has access to these things.

Practicing gratitude can be as easy as writing in a journal, reflecting, or thanking the people around you. Here are 9 ways to incorporate gratitude into your daily life. Try it and see for yourself how appreciating all the things in your life can relax your heart.

Play or cuddle with your furbabies

Another way to give your heart a break is to play or cuddle with your pets. When you do, you shift your attention to someone other than yourself and your problems. In those precious moments, you can just bask in the cuteness and unwavering loyalty of your furbabies.

Science says that playing with a dog or cat can elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine, which calm and relax. This study from Washington State University shows that petting dogs and cats can definitely reduce stress. These studies explain why interacting with them can have a very therapeutic effect.

Here I am cuddling with this cutie pie

Eat your favorite comfort food

Now this tip I recommend in moderation, since a lot of comfort food can be quite unhealthy. However, if you choose the healthy ones or modify recipes to make them less salty or sweet, then by all means indulge every now and then.

Comfort food doesn’t necessarily mean ice cream or grilled cheese, but something that has a nostalgic value. It can vary per culture and country, depending on what you ate growing up. My favorite comfort dishes are the 3 common soups in the Philippines: sinigang (sour pork soup), bulalo (boiled beef soup), and tinola (chicken soup).

Eating this brings me back to my childhood and gives me a sense of comfort that takes the worries and anxiety away. So if you’re feeling a bit down, try re-making your childhood meals. The whole process of preparing, cooking, and eating it, may be just the thing to relax your heart.

Ahh, that delicious, warm, comforting chicken soup. GIF from giphy.

Write letters to relax your heart

When your heart is brimming with emotions, good or bad, you want an outlet. One way of doing this would be to write a letter. You can address it to yourself or to a person. You don’t have to send it. It might not even be a good idea to if you’re deciding based on your temporary feelings. Just write down what you want to say, and let the feelings flow.

If you’re angry or annoyed at someone but for any reason can’t confront them about it, try talking to them through a letter. Again, you don’t have to send it. It’s just a way for you to vent and lay your grievances out. Once you’ve written everything you want to say, seal it and keep it, or maybe throw it away.

On the happier side, writing a letter to someone you’re grateful for can also lift your mood. This makes you reminisce and enumerate the positive things this person has done for you, which can make you smile instantly. I would definitely recommend you to send this type of letter if you’re comfortable, because who wouldn’t love to be thanked for their good will?

Watch your favorite movie or show

Similar to eating comfort food, watching a favorite movie or show can be relaxing. Some things never get old, and those past rom-coms or comedies are one of them. I love re-watching Disney classics, romantic films, and epics like Lord of the Rings. Even though I know how the story ends and the lines by heart, there’s still a thrill and sense of relief once the heroes overcome their troubles.

The fact that you know how everything plays out is also a source of comfort. There are no surprises, and you just love watching the show, whether for the story, characters, jokes, or setting. So if you have some time, settle down for a relaxing movie night. You can find a lot of those “comfort movies” on Netflix or Amazon Prime. Some of my faves are: 13 going on 30, Clueless, and White Chicks.

Related: 6 Mind Vacations You Can Take Right Now

Go ahead and relax your heart

There are many ways to relax your heart, and they don’t need to be time-consuming or complicated. It can be as simple as playing with your pets or asking for a hug from a loved one. My last tip would be to relax regularly. I’m sure I will hear a lot of protests, but hear me out. Relaxing doesn’t take time away from completing your goals, but rather, adds to their value. You can’t take care of your kids if you’re sick, or make rational decisions when you’re too upset. Find time to wind down and de-stress.

If you liked this article or have other suggestions, please leave a comment below. For more ways to relax, check out the other parts in my Relax series.

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