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How To Overcome Excuses Not to Exercise

woman holding cat giving excuses about exercising

We’re all guilty of having those days when we don’t want to exercise at all. The longer we sit on the couch or lie in bed, the harder it becomes to overcome the inertia. We ask how to overcome excuses not to exercise, and most of the time, the answers are simple. It’s all within us, and we are definitely stronger than our excuses.

The hardest part of exercising is getting over that excuse—whether it’s a tiny bit of hesitation or an unrelenting laziness. Once you get over that hurdle, the next part, the actual exercise, won’t be as hard. With that being said, I do encourage you to speak to your doctor to take into account your physical health and any existing conditions before you begin. If all is well, read the tips below and pin or bookmark for future reference!

Excuse not to exercise 1: I’m too tired.

You’ve had a long day. You didn’t sleep a lot. The last thing you want to do is have to push through a workout session. I hear you. With all the crazy hustle and bustle of our lives, sometimes we need a break. Of course, this is totally fine. Make sure you have a rest day at least once a week to give your body time to repair and recover. To help you, here’s a post I wrote about how to relax your body. Use the tips to get some R&R.

The next day comes and you’re still tired. Are you really? If the days pass with you feeling more exhausted than usual, call your doctor. But if you’re faking it, you’re just cheating yourself. More often than not, this is just one of those excuses not to exercise which you can overcome. How? Compromise. Instead of a HIIT session, do low-impact exercises or a relaxing yoga flow with poses that feel like a massage! This way, you still exercise but not as hard. The good thing is that you realize that working out may be tough, but the feeling and the benefits you get afterwards are worth it. Remember that the next time you feel “too tired”.

Exercise excuse no. 2: I’m too busy.

I’m too busy and I don’t have the time. I used to say this a lot. But I’m sure if I wanted to, if I really cared for my health and well-being, I would’ve found a way to make exercise a non-negotiable. I’ve said this before and I’m saying it again, spending time and energy for yourself doesn’t mean taking away those things from your family or your goals. Instead, it will add value to them because you are healthier, happier, and in a better state to do those things.

How to overcome these time-related excuses not to exercise? Adjust your work out to suit your schedule and your needs. If you want to save time, work out at home. No need to drive to and from the gym. Don’t have a free hour? There are a lot of exercises that are 15, 7, even 5 minutes short. In fact, some of these pack all of the benefits of hour-long exercises in short bursts of time. Think of it as exercise “snacking”. Spread them out during your breaks throughout the day. Have kiddos? Exercise with them. Bike, walk, or play a game that involves jumping or running around.

You can exercise even while sitting. GIF from Julia Yellow.

Don’t shun the thought of exercise immediately because you think it’s too time-consuming. There are ways to work around your tight schedule, if you try. Also, plan your workouts! Squeezing in enough intensity minutes for the week is just one of the many benefits of having an exercise routine.

Excuse not to exercise 3: I can’t go to the gym.

Okay, it’s raining, you don’t have a car, a gym is not in the budget, etc. etc. So many excuses. If you can’t or don’t want to go to the gym, here’s some good news for you: you don’t need to. There is an endless amount of exercise videos online from all kinds of people: yogis, fitness gurus, and beginners like you and me. Choose an intensity level that’s right for you from a channel that motivates you. Then exercise from the comfort of your home! No gym membership required.

An added benefit for introverts is that you don’t have to feel self-conscious about people watching you. You can work out alone away from judging eyes. Also, you can do it at your own pace! Need a longer water break? Just click pause. For extroverts, no need to feel demotivated. Join online live classes to still feel like you’re in a class. If you can’t find one, create one! Host your own live classes on Facebook, Zoom, or Instagram with just your phone. To get started, here are some Youtube workouts you can do based on your current mood!

Exercise Excuse no. 4: I don’t need to lose weight.

Exercising isn’t exclusively for weight loss. In fact, some people exercise to gain weight and bulk up. One of the main reasons you should move is to stay fit and improve your health. Exercise reduces your risk of heart disease, some cancers, and manages your sugar and insulin levels. It can even slow aging! But the benefits don’t just end with the physical ones. It has also been shown to improve your mood, reduce stress levels, and make you happier in general. Read about the benefits and the exercise goals you should have to learn more. These should all be enough to help you overcome one of these excuses not to exercise.

Exercise regularly to get all the benefits. GIF from Julie Winegard.

Once you’ve exercised for some time, you will feel the difference. Hikes or long walks won’t leave you short of breath like before, you will feel less lethargic, and definitely stronger. All in all, exercise doesn’t just get you into your ideal shape, its positive effects go deeper than that.

Excuse not to exercise 5: I don’t want to sweat.

Some people hate the idea of physical exertion. Breaking into a sweat can be an uncomfortable experience, hence this excuse. If this isn’t a medical condition that can adversely affect your health, overcome this exercise excuse by easing into it. Do some light pilates, yoga, or low-intensity workouts that can break you into a sweat, but not as much as HIIT or running. Get used to this and gradually increase the intensity or frequency of your workouts.

To help, have a clean towel nearby to wipe any sweat from your face and body. Wear clothes with sweat-wicking material. And shower soon after you workout to wash the sweat away. Knowing that sweat is a natural way for your body to cool down and is basically just water might help you be less uncomfortable with it. Also, a little sweat is a small price to pay for all the benefits of exercising.

Exercise Excuse no. 6: I don’t feel motivated.

There are days when bouts of laziness strike. Suddenly, the thought of exercising seems so boring and unexciting. There are easy ways to overcome these excuses not to exercise, however. One would be to stick to a a routine. Having one establishes exercises as a part of your day and it becomes a habit. My routine is usually to exercise right after work. I put on my workout clothes, tie my hair, and roll out my mat. My body just follows after that.

Another way to stay motivated is to add variety to your workouts. Don’t just do cardio, throw some strength training, yoga, and pilates in. Having all these different types of exercises makes it fun and also ensures you target all parts of your body. To help you keep track of that, download my free weekly fitness calendar. It’s an editable pdf that you can save as a jpg and add to your gallery for a quick reference. You can print it out too!

Get your free weekly fitness calendar here:

And my last tip is to play some music! It really works wonders for your mood. If you play something energetic and fun, anything seems more doable, whether they’re chores or exercise.

If you need more tips to stay motivated, here are 6 Simple Motivation Tips To Keep Exercising.

Excuse not to exercise 7: I’m too “insert word” to exercise.

You can put all the words you want inside those quotation marks. Too big, too old, too weak, too embarrassed…the list goes on. There’s a solution for each of these excuses not to exercise. And if you want to get fit and healthy, not just for you but for the people you love as well, you will get over that excuse.

“I’m too old.” My grandmother is 80 years old and still exercises. It’s never too late to start something. You say you’re too weak. You can always adjust the workout based on your fitness level. Then gradually amp up the difficulty as you gain strength. Read these tips for beginners to help you out. Too embarrassed? You can always exercise in the privacy of your own room. Plus, there is nothing to be ashamed about wanting to improve your health and well-being. It is actually something to be proud of!

Exercise is empowering no matter your perceived weaknesses. GIF from Sehsucht Berlin.

No matter what (unless it’s going to be adverse to your health and your doctor advises you not to), all these statements are simply excuses. Come to terms with that and get moving!

Exercise Excuse no. 8: It’s not my thing.

“It’s just not me.” I used to be guilty of saying this. I thought of exercise like a cat thinks of bathing. Unnecessary and uncharacteristic. But we’re human. We need to move to do things and get to places. Maybe we don’t need it to survive, because a lot of people (perhaps even a majority) don’t exercise. But if we want to live a better quality of life in good health for longer, we need to.

Things change, people change. After all, everything is temporary. The effect of exercise on your “image” is really all in your head. Overcome these exercise excuses you make to yourself by knowing your priorities. If you just focus on the effects of exercise, you’ll be in it for the long run.

Overcome those excuses not to exercise

See? Our minds can overcome all those excuses not to exercise. Whether it’s to play some music, wear good clothes, or divide your time, there are ways to workout despite all those reasons we make.

For every excuse, there is a solution. The best one for you is the one you come up with based on your needs. Once you do, congratulations! That part is usually harder than the exercise itself. If you have any other excuses you need help overcoming, or if you liked this post, do leave a comment below. Share this with a friend who makes those excuses as well!

Now go and get those muscles moving!

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Start Exercising And Stick To It: 10 Tips for Beginners
Exercise For A Balanced Life

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