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6 Mind Vacations You Can Take Right Now

image of brain thinking of taking a vacation

Need to take a vacation, but can’t go anywhere? Most of us are on the same boat (or not really on one, since we’re stuck at home). We all want to go on a trip somewhere and stop thinking about our problems. Thankfully, with the help of technology, there are ways we can give our brains a break without needing to take a step out of our houses or spend hundreds. All we need to pack is ourselves and a device or 2! Below are 6 mind vacations you can take right now.

1. Read a book

If you love reading, then you might already be going on vacations to faraway lands or future times at each moment you’re able. But if not, give it a try! Reading can take your mind off your current problems and transport you to different places and lives. It can also inspire you to act on something, or give you new ideas for your passion projects. No matter what you’re reading, fiction or non-fiction, there is always something to learn and simply enjoy at the same time.

There are so many science-backed benefits of reading, including:

Those are amazing benefits that give you reason enough to pick up a book right now. If you don’t find reading fun, maybe you can try different types. Try graphic novels; they are fun to read and there are a lot of adaptations of classics and best-selling novels. You can also try audiobooks and listen while resting your eyes.

Reading a book with a cup of tea can feel like a mini-vacation in itself

A lot of libraries are offering digital books and audio books, so be sure to check your library’s online site. If not, you can also try finding titles you like at Project Gutenburg.

To make your mind vacation even more relaxing, try taking your book outside and lighting a scented candle while you read!

2. Watch soothing nature scenes

There’s something about looking at nature that soothes and relaxes you. Whether it’s a majestic view of mountains, or an enchanting forest scene, nature’s beauty never fails to stir our heart and put our minds to rest. These good effects aren’t just imaginary, of course. There have been many studies on the benefits of viewing nature scenes—from reducing depression, lowering stress levels, and of course, giving your mind a break.

And even if you can’t take a walk in the park or have a window with a view of nature, this is still one of the mind vacations you can take right now. There is research that proves even just images or sounds of nature can still lower your stress levels. To start your vacation for the mind, listen to these relaxing playlists on Spotify.

You can also print your favorite photo of nature and put it next to your desk!

3. Go on virtual reality tours

Here’s a vacation for the mind that will seem a lot like the real thing minus the kick of being actually in that place. Thanks to technology, we can go on virtual reality tours in distant places (without having to pay for plane tickets and hotels, yaay!). Google offers free virtual tours and amazing content from over 2,000 museums around the world through their Arts and Culture app. Here are 9 virtual reality tours you can take as a starter right now!

You can choose to view and learn about different artists, artworks, historical figures and events, and more. You earn badges as you explore different sections and places, which is a nice surprise. It is definitely an amazing app to learn and discover more about art and culture internationally!

Learn all about your favorite paintings, places, or artists with this app.

This would also be a great idea for the whole family, and especially if you have kids. Connect your device to your TV so you can explore on an even bigger screen.

And if you need more convincing, know that art has the ability to reduce mental fatigue and restore the ability to focus, among other benefits. Have fun learning and vacationing!

4. Do some yoga

While most spas are closed right now, you can still have that relaxing experience at home with yourself. Simply roll out your yoga mat, wear comfy clothes, turn on the relaxing music, and drop a few essential oils into your humidifier. Voila! You are ready to clear your brain with the help of your breath and body.

You don’t need to twist your body into a pretzel to get into a vacation for the mind. A few simple poses can be wonderfully relaxing for this at-home spa experience. Check out these 8 easy yoga poses that feel like a massage.

A yoga session at the end of the day can be the vacation your mind needs right now

5. Watch movies

It might not sound like a novel idea, but watching a movie is definitely one of the mind vacations you can take right now without leaving the house. Similar to reading a book, watching films can take you out of your current reality and immerse you in a totally different world.

In fact, the benefits of movie watching has led some therapists to create something called “film therapy” or “cinema therapy“. This is applying the benefits of watching films into coaching and psychology.

Of course, if you want to just relax, you can focus on watching your favorite flick or a something light like a comedy. If you want to get the benefits of looking at art or at nature, try watching classical plays, or nature documentaries. Our Planet is a stunning documentary by Netflix, narrated by Sir David Attenborough, that is also available on Youtube.

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6. Try guided meditation

This is something I’ve recently tried that I find really calming. Basically, you listen to someone’s voice that tells you to relax, let go, and be calm. This helps me focus on the voice or the nature sounds in the background. If you’re a newbie, you might want to start with this since it feels reassuring to have someone guide you.

Note that meditation has a ton of science-backed benefits as well, just like most of these other mind vacations you can take right now. Aside from reducing stress and promoting good emotional health, it can also lengthen your attention span and may even generate kindness.

There are free guided meditations everywhere, and I can’t say I’ve combed all resources since I’m new to this. I have started however with this guided meditation playlist on Spotify. The University of California Los Angeles is also offering free exercises in English and Spanish which you can listen to here. Most of them don’t go over 15 minutes, so this would be perfect on your lunch break for a quick vacation for the mind! I also recommend doing one after your workout. It feels so relaxing for both the mind and the body!

8 Easy Yoga Poses That Feel Like A Massage
11 Ways To Create A Relaxing Evening Routine For Quality Rest
Relax Your Mind: Relax Series Part 2

Take a mind vacation right now!

What are you waiting for? I bet your brain is dying to rest right now. Give it a break and take a few minutes (no need to book a leave with your boss!) to transport your head elsewhere. Try any of these mind vacations you can take right now and come back refreshed and refilled!

Do you have other ideas for a “mind vacation”? Share it in the comments below!

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